WHAT IS COACHING?"Coaching is an empowered partnership designed to guide clients to discover, clarify and achieve their personal and business goals. This partnership leads clients through the process of self-discovery with thought-provoking tools and powerful questioning. Coaches see their clients as whole and relate to them as experts on their own lives. With this in mind, the coach and client collaboratively establish goals and create structures around commitments." (IGC)
Coaching is equal parts dreaming and doing, with the shared goal of you manifesting the change you want in your life. In a coaching program, you are the expert in your own life. You are ambitious and eager to make change happen, so you do the work that is required of you. Seems like an oxymoron right? If you’re such an ambitious, go-getter than why would you even need a coach? The reality is, if you could have done it alone, you would have done it by now! |