ShaynaLee Transformation Coaching Organizational & People Solutions That grow businesses & transform professionals into better, more fulfilled performers & leaders
Interviewing 101 post-COVID General Assembly | Boston, MA
Recruiting in the Digital Age General Assembly | Boston, MA
Overcome Imposter Syndrome General Assembly | Boston, MA
Networking for Career Growth | Roger Williams University | Bristol, RI
Career Goal Setting; Education and Training Series | Be Social Change | NYC, NY
Career Development in Tech | LaGuardia College | Queens, NY
INTERACTIVE WORKSHOP FACILITATOR Topics Include (but are not limited to):
Building Streamlined, Effective & Forward Thinking Talent Acquisition Processes
Talent Acquisition Through the Candidate Lens
Job Hunting in the Digital Age, How Technology is Changing the Way We Recruit
Business Performance Goal Setting & Action Planning
Professional Development Goal Setting & Action Planning
Employee Engagement: Internal Communications
Employer Branding: External Communications
Operational Structures: People & Culture Foundation
Sales Pitch: Successfully Selling Your Company Story
Sales Essentials: Evolving Sales Approach According to Customer Behavior
Customer Success: Best Practice Verbal & Behavioral Customer Service
Overcome your "Imposter Syndrome," Tips & Strategies to Conquer Limiting Beliefs