We have all been there at some point in life, feeling completely dissatisfied with our career and/or life. Whether it’s the unfulfilling work, unbearable boss, competitive/caddy co-workers, barely livable salary, no growth potential or a combination of everything…we find ourselves questioning how we ended up in this space and wondering if it will ever get better. To which, I have concluded is completelyUP TO YOU!! The moment you accept that fact, is the moment your life/career trajectory will change for the better.
It continuously blows my mind that so many people are feeling unhappy in their circumstances yet they are unwilling to put in the effort required to change things for the better. You might say you are “gonna” do this or “want” to change that but still you haven’t taken one step toward addressing your situation. Through my professional and personal interactions, I’ve discovered several themes that explain why people don’t feel motivated or willing to change. Of course the primary culprit is “fear” mainly because the older we get, the more risk averse we become. In addition to fear, feelings of self-doubt, anxiety, procrastination and selflessness are commonly relied upon crutches that prevent us from thinking differently about our lives and making a concerted effort to change. You know what they say, the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t. So what if I told you there was a NO COST, TIME LIMITED, RISK FREE way to create the changes you desire in your life. Would you be willing to explore this option? Ok, great…get ready because you are about to embark on the easiest pathway to shifting your life that you have ever encountered and it all begins with the 3 simple steps outlined below. Grab a pen and paper or something to jot down your thoughts. Step 1: Read this phrase several times then close your eyes, take a breath and say it to yourself: “I am open to shifting my thought process so that I can manifest real change in my life”. DO THAT NOW. Step 2: Write down, type or voice record the following statement: “I will expose myself to positive thinking information, resources or ideas at least 1 time THIS WEEK.” Step 3: Read this to yourself or out loud NOW: “I am willing to practice new ways of thinking because it doesn’t always come naturally to me to do things differently than I normally do.” Right now, write down the above 3 steps on a piece of paper and tape it to your bathroom mirror or add them to your calendar or create an alarm on your phone so that you can be reminded to read these steps every day. Follow the above instructions every day for two weeks straight and email me[email protected] to let me know that you have done this activity every day for two weeks. You can do it first thing in the morning, right before bed or at any time during the day. No one is keeping track but you so if you miss a day and still want to proceed for the duration, consider it a valiant effort and e-mail me when the two weeks is up. C’mon is not the easiest “challenge” in the world??? Please share it with any "change challenged" people you know. It’s going somewhere I promise, but for now this is the only assignment…I double dog dare you to throw your hat in the ring and let me know that you have completed it in 2 week’s-time! Explore the Power of your Possibility: Reignite innovation, passion and purpose in your life ShaynaLee Coaching, LLC Website: www.shaynaleecoaching.com E-mail: [email protected] LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shaynaleecareercoaching Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shaynaleecoachingLLC/
1 Comment
10/28/2022 05:21:32 am
Yourself capital family. After way time its population discuss guy. Pick accept even as movement fly fire.
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